
The Individual Quality

Mindfulness in Judaism

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

Mindfulness in Judaism is an alternative course image for Mystical Mindfulness. The course is set within the modern day revisiting of mindfulness which is... View

Mystical Mindfulness

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

Mystical Mindfulness is set within the modern day revisiting of mindfulness which is sought after as a way to find peace and joy. The... View

Signs, Symbols and Songs

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

The Judaic religion is filled with a robust assortment of symbols and insights, stretching from historical to modern times. The Academy explores the meaning... View

The Sages

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

The Ethics of Healing

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

The minimalist illustration of blood drop represents the sustaining of life, which is fundamental in the practice of medicine. Medical practice is in essence... View

The Moral Path

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

The Mobius strip made using three colours with the words “Right” and “Wrong” imposed onto it, creates an illusory image that reflects the complex... View


Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

The Visionaries are key individuals who united a fragmented nation into a strong and striving nation. The Visionaries mentioned in the course material are... View

Eicha in Depth

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

Eicha, also known as the Book of Lamentations, is a collection of poems lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem. The Academy delves into the poetry... View

Yeshayahu in Depth

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

Two excerpts where taken from Isaiah, a book in the Jewish Bible, to create an image with deeper meaning. The relevant passages poetic reference... View

Do Food Jew

Client: The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning

In Jewish culture, there are various observances and celebrations. With each event comes fasting and feasts that have their own unique practices surrounding food.... View